Wowee it must be my lucky day. My #CozyFallSwap package just arrived. #CFS @BarkingMadRun I think this is from you, if so thank you! 🍁🧣
Wowee it must be my lucky day. My #CozyFallSwap package just arrived. #CFS @BarkingMadRun I think this is from you, if so thank you! 🍁🧣
Ann Gabhart is a local author here in Kentucky. I like this murder mystery series set in fictional Hidden Springs that closely resembles this small KY town Gabhart was raised. The deputy sheriff, Michael, saves a man from jumping off a bridge, but it becomes an act he later regrets. Pictures of murdered women arrive in the mail. Michael desperately needs to find the killer as the women in his life are feared to be in danger. #MountTBR
Well, this week has just gone to hell hasn‘t it. First the FIL is back in hospital, then the youngest came to get her bed, announced that “dad you have to take it in the trailer, oh btw can we pick up my roommates bed?”so they got in an argument. He tore out in the car & trailer, taking out the brick column with our mailbox. Then the delivery dude shows up with all this mail he didn‘t know I‘d ordered. #hubscurrentmood🤬 #fml