Very enjoyable read. I had a lot of fun picking out the fictionalized Hamilton landmarks. 4/5 #specfic #julyreads #canadianauthor
Very enjoyable read. I had a lot of fun picking out the fictionalized Hamilton landmarks. 4/5 #specfic #julyreads #canadianauthor
Today focus on self care ( which was a manicure and then an ice cream treat!)might have included a little unplanned detour to the bookstore! #bfc
The book takes place in an unnamed city but there is several mentions of streets, a lake and areas within the city, and it‘s totally my hometown! A city about an hour west of Toronto.(Hamilton!) I can honestly say I have never read a book that takes place there. Sure enough, when I googled the author,her bio claims she did grow up there but is now living in SoCal.
It‘s such a cool feeling, I guess this is how New Yorkers feel reading most books.
New mug, new pool liner and new stonework and best of all, new book!
I started reading this last night. Such an interesting premise!