A fantastic bookmark for a book I‘m just not sure about 🫠
Yay! Another audiobook narrated by the talented Kathleen Gati. So excited to listen to her read this YA BOOK, as well as watch her on #GeneralHospital #YA
#TransRightsReadathon book 2! This Rebel Heart is a queer, Jewish, magical realist retelling of the student-led Hungarian Revolution of 1956 and a rumination on complicity, activism, & love of country, with golems, magic rivers, and polyamory with the Angel of Death. There were pacing issues for me, but I‘m glad this unlikely book exists & that I got to learn, in such an immersive way, about an important historical event I hadn‘t heard of before.
A beautiful & emotional story about the 1950s Hungarian revolution with a magical realism twist. Wonderful characters & an interesting artistic concept with heavy symbolism. Unfortunately, the pacing was problematic with a first half that was extremely slow & an ending that sped by too quickly. The symbolism is creative, but wasn't well explained & was fairly confusing. I wanted to enjoy this book more, but I appreciate the historical lesson.
Adored the lyrical prose, the casual queerness, and the exploration of a moment in history I knew nothing about. The fantastical elements were an excellent touch. #yalit #historicalfiction #magicalrealism
Here is my stack for the #20in4readathon this weekend! My goal is 20 chapters, since I don‘t think 20 hours is possible with our weekend plans. Time will tell!! Thanks for hosting, @Andrew65 😘😘
Starting this today. I have a bunch of books started but none of them have my attention today lol at least this one has gifts! #ouabc