I simply do not care what people think anymore. Because we now live in a world where right is wrong: and wrong is right. If you cannot get this straight, your a lost cause.
I simply do not care what people think anymore. Because we now live in a world where right is wrong: and wrong is right. If you cannot get this straight, your a lost cause.
It'll hurt, but who cares. Anybody can say they believe in God; am a Christian, catholic, etc. But are you living it. The devil believes in god the creator. What can I say, he made me rebellious.
What are you waiting for? Time is a wasting. You need to know what is in this book. Oct 29, 2024; a years worth of rain dropped in eight hours. Whomever does not believe in climate change, well.
Cancer rates are rising in people that took the covid vaccines. The numbers do not lie. We are over-populated and they have to get rid of some. Didn't quite kill off as many people as expected.
I hate to say it, but violence is all humanity has ever known. You look across the course of history and it keeps showing up time and time again. Every one wants to make a change, but who is willing to take the first step.
You cannot stop the prophecy. You cannot stop a convicted felon from being president again. Illegal immigrants taken over the usa. Food shortages; without food, our civilization will die off. The age of lawlessness is rampant across the world.
Human nature is to fear what you do not understand. Come and find out what you really are. Professors and school teachers say that over 50 percent of info in textbooks are not correct/true.
The purpose of 'the rise of man, if for the recognition of 'the fall of man'
God destroyed the earth with a flood before and he said the next time, he will let us destroy ourselves. AI, science, technology, will take your jobs and livelihood, with atomic weapons that will be uncontrollable, and climate change that you cannot handle.
This is already a constant in life
To late, to early or just on time. I prefer to be just on time
Definition of slavery is the dependence of something other than yourself.
The author makes a claim that God hates humanity. Author dives into scripture, the King James Bible-also books that were removed from the bible by the catholic church, Quran, dead sea scrolls & your reality to support claims. He goes into providing proof that God has set up humanity to fail. You had no choice in being here & that your destiny is predetermined. Tradition & rituals have lied to you. I finally give you truth & what has been hidden.
Technology isn't always better
You have to choose.
Being the best you can be
Another short review
Hearing, speaking and seeing
Space is limited as well as time
I have a chapter named 'man versus woman'