This was an incredible book with a subtler feel of fantasy, usually provided through dream or substance induced states. I wish that more of Raule's story was shown; she wasn't represented as vibrantly as the other protagonist, Gwynn.
This was an incredible book with a subtler feel of fantasy, usually provided through dream or substance induced states. I wish that more of Raule's story was shown; she wasn't represented as vibrantly as the other protagonist, Gwynn.
“‘I began to feel like a man who has ridden through a vast desert... then comes upon the mirage of a #garden and a city, and finds that the mirage is real, and that it is bigger than the desert; that the desert was, after all his walking, only a small part of the mirage‘
‘Then you felt love, which is the state of feeling desire and the fulfillment of desire at the same time,‘ she said.”
#garden #QuotsyMay19
⭐⭐⭐½ What a strange, beguiling, chimerical book. It resists any attempt to define it by genre, by turns fantasy, western, mob story and allegory, it ticks most boxes and is bound by none. The characters are impossible to like but hard to shake off and while the philosophy and theology is sometimes overbearing the writing is clever and complex enough to ensnare you.
1. Just reading
2. Donuts but only if there no glaze or filling
3. 5 so far and currently reading the tagged book
4. Catching up with friends tonight. Our favourite bar is open again after 6 months!
“I am #always a different man; a reinterpretation of the man I was yesterday, and the day before, and all the days I have lived. The past is gone, was #always gone; it does not exist, except in memory, and what is memory but thought, a copy of perception, no less but no more replete with truth than any passing whim, fancy, or other agitation of the mind.”
I was 200 pages in an ambivalent about it, so I skimmed the rest of it. Never really found a clear plot...nothing ever pulled me in...
"In the mornings, when I wake, I look into my mirror and talk to it, and learn who I've become while asleep."
"You're doing it again. Using reason to argue faith. Can't be done. Like playing croquet with a crochet hook. Sounds something like the right tool for the job, but isn't.”