Timothy's profile.
I just love this graphic for the fruits of the spirit.
#EasterOMC @Clwojick @LadyKatrina
Here is my goal for the weekend. Finish up week 49 reading in Bible in 52 weeks and start and or finish People We Meet...
This could be a hefty goal as I am a slow reader.
What an amazing couple. If only I could live up to them.
Silas has always interested me. Most biblical people have an occupation other than missionary, but not him. And his missionary life was never dull.
Why didn't I know the author of Mark was also known as John Mark?
I always find Barabas interesting.
Why did I not realize Mark the Gospel writer was named John Mark? I feel like an awful Christian and am realizing and learning so much with this study.
Tomas is always so interesting to me. Why wasn't he there the first time Jesus appeared? Why did Jesus appear again just for him?
Somehow he reigned for 55 years.
Very interesting the timing of this Ultimate Issue coming up in readings.
I find it interesting which kings they have choosen to highlight in this Bible.
I always struggle to read genealogies, but listening to it really helped.
There is always useful and good information among them, but I get so caught up with reading the names sometimes I miss all of this.
Hezekiah always makes me wonder, how did he do it all and do it so well.
It is so crazy to think about there being real profits today, I mean you see all of the fake profits or those who think they are profits.
I always have a special place in my heart for Jonathan and all he does to help David.
I always enjoy reading the book of Ruth. How easy would it have been for Ruth to follow Naomi's instructions and turn back to her homeland? I can't imagine making that decision.
Miriam- I know she shows up at Moses birth and the again I her song (Exodus 15), but I never really thought about her relationship with Moses and even Aaron. It had to have been hard to be the older sibling and take direction from her younger brother.
I am a bit behind on my reading, but I found this interesting about being stubborn.
As I was reading about the plagues I wondered why the magicians duplicate blood, frog, and gnats but not others. I now see that God's hand is at work and they see God after they can't duplicate flies. If only Pharaoh would see.
I absolutely love the extras in my Bible. This 'I wonder' section probably hits home with more than me. We all have probably been in a situation where we don't know the answer. I have many times, and grown up in the faith.
The best is when one of my students, 2nd grade, can stump me.