I am so, so grateful for the friends that take me as I am these days.
I am so, so grateful for the friends that take me as I am these days.
What a hard book. I saw myself so many times in this book. I laughed, cried and then laughed and cried some more. I think everyone is looking for that one special friend that will show up for you no matter what.
The book talked about the friends we have growing up and then because of life we grow apart. I have a few of those. The friends who we have that come into our lives,
Becoming isn‘t easy. Amy Weatherly
Disclosure: I received an ARC via #NetGalley & a member of the book launch team.
Chapter 10 by Amy was my favorite chapter - I highlighted pretty much all of it. This book was a tough read. That‘s about as honest as I can get without breaking down sobbing. Sad tears. Healing tears. Hopeful tears. I will admit - it was tough to give this 5 stars. It deserves it - but this book was hard! Did I mention that?
Also, be these things yourself so the worthy people you find will invest back in you! #netgalley #amyweatherly #illbetherewearingsweatpants
I‘m loving this book! I have the ARC via #netgalley - and I am on her launch team! I‘m so excited about this book!