Current read on #kindle
Everything is happening quicker, everyone needs more of it, and it all needs to be at the cheapest price point for the consumer. Something has to give. We can't accelerate to satisfy our needs this quickly without someone bearing the brunt. We want immediate gratification because of our endemic short-termism, which leaves us on a collision course with the rest of humanity and the planet. There is no equilibrium in this hyper-acceleration.
The perfect read for this season when capitalism reads its ugly head and urges us to buy buy buy! Who made the clothes you‘re wearing? Did they earn a living wage? How many times will you wear these items? Questions to consider before buying new. The author works in the fashion industry and CARES about humans earning a living wage and taking care of the planet. A great reminder of how to do better and what corps should be doing differently.
I read this for my #lmpbc non-fiction pick. If you‘re like me & have realized that the quality of clothing has gone done the last few years it‘s because of “fast fashion.” Big companies want us to spend constantly & satisfy our need by constantly producing new clothes. Those new clothes are at the detriment to our society environmentally (microfibers ending up in the water, clothes filling landfills & being dumped in countries like Ghana), women
@fredthemoose this is finally on it‘s way to you, luckily it‘s under 300 pages. Sorry it‘s taken me so long, between moving, thesis revisions, & getting my oldest ready to leave for college it‘s been a little more chaotic around here than usual. I mailed it today express mail, should be there Saturday by the latest. #lmpbc
December‘s books 😀
This was a great listen, author narrates the book. She‘s from the US and lives in the UK so you get examples from both countries. She has a background in fashion and basically disses the fashion industry, the big wigs, how employees around the world are treated in the industry, how manufacturing is destroying our planet environmentally, and marketing to buy buy buy! I hate shopping and things I don‘t use so I have to say I was a fan of this book!