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All the White Spaces
All the White Spaces: A Novel | Ally Wilkes
8 posts | 9 read | 10 to read
Something deadly and mysterious stalks the members of an isolated polar expedition in this haunting and spellbinding historical horror novel, perfect for fans of Dan Simmons The Terror and Alma Katsus The Hunger. In the wake of the First World War, Jonathan Morgan stows away on an Antarctic expedition, determined to find his rightful place in the world of men. Aboard the expeditionary ship of his hero, the world-famous explorer James Australis Randall, Jonathan may live as his true selfand true genderand have the adventures he has always been denied. But not all is smooth sailing: the war casts its long shadow over them all, and grief, guilt, and mistrust skulk among the explorers. When disaster strikes in Antarcticas frozen Weddell Sea, the men must take to the land and overwinter somewhere which immediately seems both eerie and wrong; a place not marked on any of their part-drawn maps of the vast white continent. Now completely isolated, Randalls expedition has no ability to contact the outside world. And no one is coming to rescue them. In the freezing darkness of the Polar night, where the aurora creeps across the sky, something terrible has been waiting to lure them out into its deadly landscape As the harsh Antarctic winter descends, this supernatural force will prey on their deepest desires and deepest fears to pick them off one by one. It is up to Jonathan to overcome his own ghosts before he and the expedition are utterly destroyed.
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Stoker nominee for best first novel. Jo Morgan is honoring the death of her brothers who died in WWI by presenting as a man (Jo is a trans man) and stowing away on a ship headed for a South Pole expedition in 1919. This is survival horror with a supernatural element. It‘s a little long and is a slow burn but I could not stop reading. I credit Wilkes with really putting me in the setting. It‘s miserable all the way through and you just want 👇🏼

Reggie people to be ok. It‘s a, I wouldn‘t have lasted past day 1 and thrown myself off the ship, Pick! She also had me looking up failed polar expeditions and here‘s a link. https://www.historyhit.com/polar-expeditions-that-went-wrong/ 12mo
sarahbarnes Sounds brutal but good! Great review! 12mo
TrishB Great review Reggie 😘 12mo
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psalva This sounds right up my alley. I love a slow burn and have a nascent fascination with the polar expeditions. Stacked! (P.S.- Just to check, did you get Red X back yet?) 12mo
Bookzombie I read this one last year. 🙂 I also wouldn‘t have lasted a day, lol. Great review! Also, did you read The Terror? (edited) 12mo
Reggie @sarahbarnes Thanks! Living in Southern NM for most of my life I used to think 65F was freezing. Lol I cannot fathom what 40 below while trying to trek to safety would feel like. 12mo
Reggie @TrishB 🖤Thanks! 12mo
Reggie @psalva 🥶you would like this then. I did. Thank you. I‘ve already lent it to a friend. 12mo
Reggie @Bookzombie Thanks, Margie! I haven‘t. I should though knowing I enjoyed this. The page count kinda intimidates me a little. 12mo
TNbookworm Great review! 12mo
Centique You make it sound so good and then I remember I wouldn‘t be able to sleep for 3 weeks 😂😂😂 But I love every word of every review! 💕 12mo
Reggie @Centique honestly on the horror scale this is about a 2 or 3. I think the Mother Nature aspect was way scarier than the supernatural element. 🖤Thanks, Paula! 12mo
Reggie @TNbookworm 🖤🥶thanks!! 12mo
Rissreads Another excellent review 👏🏻 STACKED! 11mo
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This was a 3.5 star read for me. The first half of the book dragged and could have benefited from better editing. The second half of the book was great! I'm a big fan of The Thing and love books with similar themes. Once the monster actually gets involved, this book hooked me.

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Just didn't do anything for me and left me feeling very “meh“ at the end.

Just glad to be done with it and moving on to better books.

Completed two prompts:
#Booked2022 “Involves an exploration“

Also, working on All-The-Genres on The Storygraph and this fit the genre of LGBTQIA+.

Cinfhen Sorry it wasn‘t a hit but at least it worked for multiple challenges 🤩 2y
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This weeks #weeklyforcast and #bookreport

Read this week: Worst Hard Time-this was fantastic and No Accident-this was meh

Currently Reading: All the White Spaces (literally just a few pages in)

Up next: The next Cork O'Connor book, Boundary Waters

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Jo Morgan‘s two brothers, dead in a doomed WWI skirmish, always dreamed of getting to the South Pole. To fulfill their dream, and in an equally doomed effort to keep some part of them alive, Jo Morgan stows away (as Jonathan) on the Fortitude, the ship taking James Randall‘s expedition to the frozen South. Everyone aboard carries their ghosts with them, and in the polar night, they become terribly real. You‘ll want a blanket, even in June.

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I am a sucker for doomed expedition stories and love a good supernatural scare – throw in some complex characters with fabulous writing and you have me! A post WWI Antarctic expedition that goes awry leaving a stowaway and the surviving crew to contend with supernatural forces, oppressive cold, and personal demons to survive the winter ashore was fabulous written and stuck with me for weeks. #NetGalley #allthewhitespaces #antarctica

Nute Stacking! 2y
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Jonathan is set himself out for an adventure in memory of his two lost brothers.The main character, Jo, is a trans-man. You can hear the pain that Jo goes through to be seen as Jo, and just who he felt that he‘s always been, while trying to honor the memory of his brothers. I felt that it was taking a while to get to know the characters, but it worked out in the end. This is a good spooky story to read at night, without giving you nightmares.

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New year, New book. I know what I‘m doing tonight! Thank you Atria Books♥️