Happiest of Birthdays from one Lynne to another #300KBirthdayGiveaway
Happiest of Birthdays from one Lynne to another #300KBirthdayGiveaway
Disappointingly, nothing feels real, everything feels forgettable.
Ok Ms. Cass, I have a bone to pick with you. I hated the first book, the first time I read it and the second time I read it! But the second book, OH MY GOD! Why did you do that to me? I couldn't put it down! And then to end it so quickly. Uuuggghhhh! Thank you for the second book and renewing my love for you!
Kiera Cass has a way of drawing me into her stories. I loved The Betrothed and have been waiting for its sequel for what has felt like forever. Now that I have it, and have read it, I realize that there was so much more to the first book. The Betrayed really ties everything together and completes the story. I actually think it outshines the first book. We come alongside the characters as they grow into who they were meant to be all along.
It's nobody's fault but my own but I just keep going into this series with the author's previous works: The Selection series and The Siren memories in my head. Having read both of those several times, I easily placed this title/series on a pedestal and when it didn't "wow" me watched it fall. I didn't bail but I definitely wasn't emotionally invested. As a side mention the disconnect from the cover to the content bothers me. That is all.