I have a BS in Poli Sci no book rocked my world like this did because the author predicted 9/11. Johnson said the long history of US involvement in foreign arms would lead to catastrophe. My professor said "one persons terrorist is another persons freedom fighter." It changed my perspective on foreign policy. (FYI not saying these ppl aren't terrorists, he was just giving perspective.. Making us THINK) #politicsinbooks #augustphotochallenge
Riveted_Reader_Melissa I love professors like that! 9y
Laura317 Thinking!? What's next? Love it when people encourage others to think for themselves!! 9y
ScrappyMags @Riveted_Reader_Melissa @Laura317 I know right? I remember this so acutely as it shifted my perspective. Made it more human, less "us" and "them". 9y
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Riveted_Reader_Melissa @ScrappyMags For me it was a professor who taught world cultures. Who actually taught the Israel/Palestine from the point of view of BOTH sides. I remember it so clearly and distinctly. And I still find myself better informed on that conflict in comparison to my peers because when I look at or read articles about it, I look at it both ways. 9y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @Laura317 I know, right! Overall it seems like they discourage that pesky 'thinking' thing as much as possible sometimes. 9y
Laalaleighh @ScrappyMags Poli-sci majors of the world unite! (And my professor used that same quote once and it was just like 😳😳😳😳 paradigm shift) cognitive dissonance is your constant companion in political studies isn't it. 9y
ScrappyMags @Laalaleighh amen sister. The thoughts you were raised with versus the eye openers in college was the BEST part of college for me. Those profs who opened your mind to new ideas and ways others think that you never experienced in your tiny world. 9y
Laalaleighh @scrappymags same here! I love having my perceptions challenged! Best part of college for sure. 9y
saguarosally I don't recall this book, but it may have been that I studied Poli Sci pre-9/11. 9y
ScrappyMags @saguarosally it was originally published in 2000 I think. I know it was before 9/11 because that was the freaky part. He was saying that some sort of big event would happen in the US. This whole theory of blowback - the unintended consequences of having such global power. Fascinating! 9y