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Germline | T.C. McCarthy
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*SPECIAL INTRODUCTORY PRICE* Germline (n.) the genetic material contained in a cellular lineage which can be passed to the next generation. Also: secret military program to develop genetically engineered super-soldiers (slang). War is Oscar Wendell's ticket to greatness. A reporter for The Stars and Stripes, he has the only one way pass to the front lines of a brutal war over natural resources buried underneath the icy, mineral rich mountains of Kazakhstan. But war is nothing like he expected. Heavily armored soldiers battle genetically engineered troops hundreds of meters below the surface. The genetics-the germline soldiers-are the key to winning this war, but some inventions can't be un-done. Some technologies can't be put back in the box. Kaz will change everything, not least Oscar himself. Hooked on a dangerous cocktail of adrenaline and drugs, Oscar doesn't find the war, the war finds him.
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Germline | T.C. McCarthy
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This military sci-fi adventure features a drug-addicted journalist sent to the mines of Kazakhstan, the frontline of the war being waged over a precious metal.

The world-building is great, and the interior monologue of the protag is also very good, but the protag‘s relationships with others always feel distant (deliberate?)

Still, this is a good story about a soldier‘s quest in the the tunnels, above ground, in his head, and in his heart.

Germline | T.C. McCarthy
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3 months ago, I bailed on the audio but I‘m coming back to the story in print! The premise of a subterranean war involving genetically enhanced bioforms is irresistible!

And while I know you‘re not supposed to judge a book by its cover, the artwork by Steve Stone deserves a shoutout: Sir, is that a plasma blaster you have there, or are you just happy to see me? 😜

(You‘re turning your iPhone sideways now, aren‘t you? 😄)

Swe_Eva 😂😂😂 6y
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Germline | T.C. McCarthy
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🎧 I‘m sorry to say that I‘m bailing on this one in audio. This is an early performance by Donald Corren and he‘s just not doing it for me for a number of reasons not the least of which is that he isn‘t shaping the narrative very well and I feel like I‘missing some great writing. I‘ll try this again when I can get my hands on the ebook or print edition.

Germline | T.C. McCarthy
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🎧 This has been in my listening queue for years but I‘ve decided to start listening to it later today. It‘s the first in the Subterrene War Trilogy. I think it‘s mil-fic/sci-fic but I really have no idea what it‘s about yet!

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Germline | T.C. McCarthy

Stumbled upon this gem at the library and completely happy I did. This book is gripping from beginning to end!