In this Caldecott Winning, Fiction book, Little Wolf finds convinces himself that he must go and search for his enemies before they come and surprise attack his people. Early one morning, Little Wolf rides out in search of the Assiniboines. Before he can conquer his enemies, he's stuck a lake, waiting for the ancient buffalo to appear out of the water. When Little Wolf sees the buffalo, his instincts take over.
This Modern Fantasy, RA picture book is one for the taking. The illustrations alone are gorgeous. The illustrator does a great job fulfilling UDL principle 5.1 (use multiple media for communication) because the pictures justify the story so incredibly well. It makes the story more enticing to see it really happening. #ucflae3414sp21 (edited) 4y
I think what one should focus on most, is the story itself. I would use it as a way to teach students how to find and understand plot, character development, and theme. You accomplish EL strategy 1 (teach questioning for clarification) & 16 (integrate speaking, listening, reading and writing activities). 10/10!! 4y