This graphic novel had two different stories in it. It related to the tv show and was entertaining.
This graphic novel had two different stories in it. It related to the tv show and was entertaining.
This book peaked my interest because I love stranger things. I enjoyed reading it
“Why would an Einstein mask be scary? After all, it's just science camp.“
I thought that children would really enjoy this story if they have seen/heard of the series Stranger Things on Netflix. Many of my second graders love S.T. so I truly think that they would enjoy reading this graphic novel.
Stranger Things: Science Camp by Jody Houser tells the story about Erica and her quest to get DND books with the help of her friends. The illustrator of this story used great detail when drawing facial expressions and stances for each character to display what each character was feeling. It also used action and excitement to keep the readers engaged with the story.
Stranger Things, Science Camp: Erica‘s Quest by Greg Pak, was published in 2022. The story has very bright and colorful illustration. The text is bold and strong. It takes the reader on adventure of action. This would be great for readers who also watch the show.
This book was cool to read since I watched the tv show but never had the chance to read the comic books!
I really enjoyed this one. I liked getting to see what happened while Dustin was at camp. My only complaint was that I wish it had been a little bit longer, and the storyline developed a bit more.
How's your #AnyWayYouReadathon going? I finished 2 books and a graphic novel so far, but I'm hoping to read more today. Not the most romantic of reads, I know, but Dustin and Suzie are super cute together, so that definitely counts! Their love is a Neverending Story! ;)
@kimmypete1 @eggbeater