July reading wrap. The Sam Harris and Musolino books were standouts, as well as some of Chiang‘s short stories. The Metro book was actually a short prequel to the Metro Trilogy. #julywrapup
July reading wrap. The Sam Harris and Musolino books were standouts, as well as some of Chiang‘s short stories. The Metro book was actually a short prequel to the Metro Trilogy. #julywrapup
Overall, I really enjoyed this book. It was written over a decade ago but it is still VERY relevant today in the United States as current administration is increasingly under the influence of religious fundamentalists and there is a creationist a heartbeat away from the presidency! In 2019! How can this be possible?! Read this book and you will understand why. I'll read it again some day with a highlighter.
Bush set us back decades with his misguided stem cell decision. 😾
This is just insanity! Since he wrote this some States have come around.
Sam is preaching to the choir and the choir is enjoying it immensely.
Starting another Sam Harris book. I like how he arranges his words. 🕺🏼
I am giving out my own unique book awards this year. Drumroll, please. First up, the “Holy crap did I accidentally pick up a Glenn Beck book I thought this guy was one of the four atheist horsemen or something” award goes to this. #thekrisbookawards2017
Shed everything you grew up with
I often think that religion proposes to bring people together, and humanity throws its hat in and tears them apart. I recalled this title as soon as I saw today's prompt.
On a musical note, after Steve Perry didn't sing at the HOF inductions, I'd wager a few Journey fans stopped believin' we'll ever get a reunion.
#rockinmay #dontstopbelievin
While there were some chunks that seemed to not grasp my attention so well and I found myself skimming, overall I thought this was an enjoyable and insightful read about dogma and morality. Very well-researched. Harris' work is controversial and you don't have to agree with everything he says, but he offers a fresh perspective and really does get you to think.
Over 100 pages of this book (about 1/3) are notes and references.