Just sitting down to #knit and catch up on book-tube during lunch and what do I see? Darling Desi is reading the same thing I am!
Not my typical pick, I admittedly chose this book because the cover stood out from the design-of-the-day standard. This book did not provide the payoff that I wanted at the end, but I generally enjoyed the journey. I thought the writing was lovely, but I did not quite get a full sense of the main character‘s motivations, between how she was initially presented to who she became after her marriage —a span of maybe a month at most.
Just sitting down to #knit and catch up on book-tube during lunch and what do I see? Darling Desi is reading the same thing I am!
Whoa, I did NOT expect this book to be what it is. I was expecting a 21st century version of the gothic horror/romance. What I found was this weird and terrifying blend of Jane Eyre, Frankenstein, and even a little of Castle of Otranto thrown in for good measure. Still not quite sure how I feel about it. Out October 5; available on Netgalley now.