The introduction was good, but the first chapter went on some weird tangents and I didn‘t relish wading through a whole book‘s worth of that.
The introduction was good, but the first chapter went on some weird tangents and I didn‘t relish wading through a whole book‘s worth of that.
I really enjoyed this book by journalist Sarah Jaffe! She obliterates the myth that “if you love what you do you‘ll never work a day in your life” and demonstrates how that myth masks exploitation by the boss. She does a great job of writing clearly and breaking down pretty complex political and economic concepts. I would highly recommend this book to everyone!! 🌟5/5🌟
The history of labor is well written, but needs much better citations, esp since the author makes some pretty big claims. I don‘t think her book was well structured to support her final argument- that we can‘t really demand and get more respect & better treatment in our jobs until we stop loving them. Also, a TON of the book was about women‘s labor & how it is not valued & creates the problem of love, but not how to address that. 2/5 stars
I tried and tried to read this, but I just wasn't that interested. I renewed it twice and still had only read 23% of it when I gave up. On to other things....
This was SOOOO good! Engrossing read on labor around topics of feminism, capitalism, race, sports, government, education…OMG what a wonderful book. Super interesting, super informative, and super hopeful. I love a good story abt organizing, even when it‘s obvious that we have so much more to do.
#2021 #WomenAuthors #Politics
Yet another library book started at the last second 🙄
I don‘t need to even click on the link to know the stars are reading me right this month!