After his wife died Bernard Oliver set out to walk the Silk Road. This trip sounded STRESSFUL. I‘ll definitely read the rest since this book only covered his time in #Turkey. #FoodAndLit
After his wife died Bernard Oliver set out to walk the Silk Road. This trip sounded STRESSFUL. I‘ll definitely read the rest since this book only covered his time in #Turkey. #FoodAndLit
French author wrote his memoirs (a trilogy) of his walking the entirety of the Silk Road. Book 1 in ebook form is on sale. This is an awesome read but gets really tough toward the end as he comes into some pretty scary parts of his journey, so be warned. It‘s no spoiler that I had to keep telling myself: “he lived!” as his journey became so harrowing.
I really liked this book. I‘m looking forward to reading book two in the three book series.
Just getting started on book 1 of a three book series. I think I‘m going to enjoy reading this one.
Book one, finis! 5 stars! Review to come. #readingasia2021 #Turkey @Librarybelle @BarbaraBB
I‘m really enjoying this book about the author‘s trek along the Silk Road, but it‘s become very anxiety-inducing. Partway through Turkey he starts to experience all sorts of very bad people. Every time he is approached by someone I now assume they intend him serious harm. As he states here: “You‘d damn near think I‘d become a magnet for village idiots.” I have to keep telling myself, he survived to write the book! #readingasia2021
The author‘s goal, besides walking the entirety of the Silk Road, was to seek out these caravanserais, ancient roadside inns for the travelers on the Silk Road. He describes the “cells,” tiny rooms for sleeping. The ones in Turkey haven‘t been preserved, and those that have survived house tiny little businesses in each cell. I finally had to google them to see what they looked like. It appears the ones in other countries are better preserved
Ahhh, reading opens minds! The author is still describing the one Turk he‘s met who has a personal library #readingasia2021
I love this! The first person the author meets in Turkey who has a personal library not only taught himself to read but had read classics!! #readingasia2021 @Librarybelle @BarbaraBB
The author‘s Turkish host for the night insists he must be walking the Silk Road for money. This is the author‘s response
It‘s been years since I‘ve had one of these waffles. On a work trip so made myself one of these in the hotel breakfast area and reading the tagged book.
Does every state have its own state-shaped waffle?
Having finished my chunkster, I can finally pay attention to this “little” book. The author is walking the Silk Road and I‘m enjoying his journey so far although we aren‘t far into it. I think it will continue to be enjoyable. He‘s still in Turkey in this chapter. #readingasia2021 @BarbaraBB @Librarybelle
The author‘s ship has just gone through the Corinth Canal, and never having heard of it I looked it up and Holy Cow! This is amazing!! @BarbaraBB @Librarybelle #readingAsia2021
The author ponders his upcoming trek along the Silk Road while en route via ship to his starting point. Nice writing style. @BarbaraBB @Librarybelle #readingAsia2021
I‘m needing a new ebook for when my chunkster ebook, The Source, gets too sad or dense to take. So I decided on this one to knock out some more countries for #readingasia2021 @Librarybelle @BarbaraBB
This ebook on sale today should work for several countries for #readingasia2021. @Librarybelle @BarbaraBB