Could you imagine never telling a small lie? Never sparing another‘s feelings? That‘s the toxically honest upbringing Michael had. His family had this completely strange culture of telling NO lies. They even befuddled Ira Glass! Honestly 😉, this was wild! Part 1 about his childhood and part 3 about learning to tell social lies as an adult were fascinating, but he loses points for part 2: a detailed slog through a failed relationship. #audiobook
⭐️⭐️⭐️ Leviton was raised not to lie, but that‘s oversimplifying. It‘s his family‘s unnecessary, unyielding honesty that reeks of arrogance and elitism. If always brutally honest, you bypass many acceptable social norms (i.e. it‘s important not to be a dick 24/7). He says, “In my family, silence was suffering, confession was connection, and criticism was love.” Such a cold way for a child to thrive. It‘s amazing he can now maintain relationships.
I really tried, but I bailed with 2 out of 7 hours left in the book. I actually am a fan of Leviton's album, My Favorite Place to Drown which is probably the only reason why I got so far in this book. I can only take so much of a privileged white man telling anecdote after anecdote of where he was d!$& to people, and how it negatively affected his relationships and ability to maintain a job.
Brenda Ueland‘s book, If You Want to Write, seemed to me like the most approachable
Honestly (😉) that was a super fun memoir. Ever watch the Jim Carrey movie LIAR LIAR , where a lying attorney is forced to only speak the truth for 24 hours....well Michael Leviton was raised in a home where feelings were never spared, diplomacy never considered and all out honesty was served daily. Insightful and thought provoking. #ARC #AUDIO #NetGalley
Hmmmmm, thoughts?!!
“I didn‘t like confidentiality. I considered privacy dishonest.”
This memoir is really thought provoking
A good blend of levity and seriousness.
#ARC #AUDIO #NetGalley
Hilarious but poignant. Michael Leviton was raised in a home he affectionately calls a “Little Honesty Cult”. Truth telling was paramount; no sugarcoating, no holding back, well... NO lying. #ARC #Audio #NetGalley #KindergartenHypocrite