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The Robe
The Robe | Lloyd C. Douglas
17 posts | 17 read | 9 to read
A Roman soldier, Marcellus, wins Christ's robe as a gambling prize. He then sets forth on a quest to find the truth about the Nazarene's robe-a quest that reaches to the very roots and heart of Christianity and is set against the vividly limned background of ancient Rome. Here is a timeless story of adventure, faith, and romance, a tale of spiritual longing and ultimate redemption.
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The Robe | Lloyd C. Douglas
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"Because she was only 15 and busy with her growing up, Lucia's periods of reflection were brief and infrequent; but this morning she felt weighted with responsibility."


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The Robe | Lloyd C. Douglas
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I really enjoyed this compelling historical novel about the conversion of the Roman soldier who won Jesus‘ mystical robe in a dice game at the crucifixion. What helped make the insanely long chapters more palatable & the story more inspiring? 1. Being already familiar with the film & 2. Sharing the experience with the #RandomClassics buddy read group. Now I need to watch the movie again & its sequel about Demetrius. Thx Sarah!🤗

TheBookDream Oh memory unlocked. We read this as a family when I was a kid 5mo
MemoirsForMe @TheBookDream Cool! I remember watching the movies when I was younger. So glad I finally read the book. 5mo
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The Robe | Lloyd C. Douglas
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Oof, what an ending! Did you find it satisfying? I wish I had gotten more details on what happens to Demetrius next, but at least he's safe for now. I really enjoyed this book and found it more gripping than I anticipated. I felt like Douglas was respectful of Jesus and His followers while still writing a compelling story. Any final thoughts?

@BarkingMadRead @julieclair @Lcsmcat @UwannaPublishme #RandomClassics

BarkingMadRead The ending felt so abrupt! I hated not knowing what happened to Demetrius but I loved this book! 5mo
MemoirsForMe I thought it was a powerful ending and I was happy that Marcellus and Diana stood together in their faith. I also loved that they ended with the Robe headed into the hands of the Big Fisherman. I‘m wondering if the story of Demetrius may continue in the next book about the Big Fisherman. I hope so! 5mo
MemoirsForMe Thanks so much for hosting #RandomClassics and choosing this book, Sarah. Despite the loooong chapters, I really enjoyed reading it with you and @BarkingMadRead ! 5mo
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TheAromaofBooks @BarkingMadRead @UwannaPublishme - I'm hoping to pick up The Big Fisherman sometime - I think I've never gone on to read it because it feels a little weirder to write an entire fictional book completely focused on such an important church father, if that makes any sense haha But now I'm wondering if there will actually be more about Demetrius and his life, so I'm curious!!! 5mo
TheAromaofBooks @BarkingMadRead @UwannaPublishme - Actually, after I typed that, I was like, “I should just go LOOK at my copy of The Big Fisherman and flip through it so see if Demetrius is mentioned. And would you believe that it goes backwards in time?! It's actually about Peter before and during his time with Jesus! Which is fine, but not really a SEQUEL haha So Demetrius's future remains unknown... 5mo
MemoirsForMe Ha! I‘m surprised that Douglas left us hanging about the future of Demetrius. Good news though: There are the 2 movies to check out. The sequel to The Robe is Demetrius and the Gladiators. I‘ll be watching both DVDs so I‘ll keep you posted. I can even pass them along to you. I haven‘t seen Demetrius yet, but The Robe is a great film. 5mo
MemoirsForMe I just Googled Demetrius to see if there were other books about him. There‘s one called Demetrius: Sacker of Cities. Too bad Douglas didn‘t devote a book to him. 🤔 5mo
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The Robe | Lloyd C. Douglas
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(thru ch25) - Sorry I missed my Monday post, friends! This week has been a bit more chaotic than I initially anticipated haha

So much happened in these chapters!!!! Demetrius and Marcellus both become Christians. Marcellus is very reluctant, but watching Stephen be martyred changes his entire perspective. I found it so interesting that watching someone die for his faith is what made Marcellus believe, instead of turning him off of it completely.⬇

TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) Now Marcellus is back with the emperor, and is receiving an intense test of his new faith.

I'm genuinely impressed by the way Douglas has handled many of the scenes from the early church. I love how he doesn't gloss over their struggles, but while he makes people like Peter seem human, I never feel like he trivializes their importance, or has them act in a way that conflicts with how they are recorded Scripturally.

My hope is to ⬇
TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) finish this week and have a final post on Monday. Any thoughts from any of you on this week's chapters? How do you feel about the book/story on the whole?

#RandomClassics @BarkingMadRead @julieclair @Lcsmcat @UwannaPublishme
MemoirsForMe I was also fascinated by Marcellus‘ conversion. By watching the expression on Stephen‘s face at the moment of his death, Marcellus seemed to somehow know in his heart that his friend was in the presence of Jesus. Very powerful! 6mo
MemoirsForMe I‘m still anxious to see how Marcellus‘ relationship with Diana will unfold. Will she become a believer? And what‘s in store for Demetrius‘ future? Really looking forward to these last chapters. 6mo
TheAromaofBooks @UwannaPublishme - Yes!! I'm worried about Diana!! I don't think she's going to understand, and she's in a bad position with the emperor right now. 5mo
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The Robe | Lloyd C. Douglas
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(thru ch15) - I'm really enjoying Marcellus's journey as he learns different stories and tales of Jesus. I love the way he is coming up with “practical“ explanations for the miracles he is hearing about - but as the reader we know that at some point he is going to have to decide whether or not to take a leap of faith.

I'm anxious to find out what is happening with some of the other characters, though! Diana, Demetrius, and Marcellus's family!!

BarkingMadRead I can‘t wait until he realizes he can‘t explain it all away. I feel like it‘s going to happen sooner rather than later! 6mo
MemoirsForMe I think if I were living in this time period and heard some of these stories, I‘d be a Doubting Thomas too! Without faith, they do seem very far-fetched. 6mo
TheAromaofBooks @BarkingMadRead @UwannaPublishme - I feel like Marcellus's explanations for many of the miracles make sense, and I love his efforts to rationalize them. But now he is starting to hear stories that can't just be explained away and I'm SO intrigued to see how he takes it! 6mo
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The Robe | Lloyd C. Douglas
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Book 2 done! Having 7 hours of Disney hotel lobby time is productive 🤣 moving onto the next one! @TheAromaofBooks #randomclassic

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! Thanks for reading along with me!!! 6mo
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The Robe | Lloyd C. Douglas
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(thru ch10) No idea what is going on with this whacky cover 😂

Whew, a lot of drama in this week's chapters!!! Marcellus is on the mend, but determined that there has to be some kind of logical/non-spiritual reason for everything that has happened to him. I really loved meeting Benjamin, and the whole section where he is closely questioning M as to whether or not Jesus was really, truly dead is goosebumpy, knowing that His followers are now ⬇

TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) claiming that He is alive!!

Demetrius has now given up freedom TWICE to save Marcellus - once when he chose not to run away, and once when he refused Gallio's certificate of freedom. I was really amazed by this level of love and friendship - I'm not sure that I would be able to do that.

Any thoughts/complaints/intrigue from this week's reading? These chapters are lonnnng!!!!
TheBookHippie I bailed already 😬 6mo
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TheAromaofBooks @TheBookHippie - No worries, pretty much everyone who “signed up“ for this month said they were probably weren't going to finish 😂 Do you want me to take you off the tag list for this one? 6mo
TheBookHippie @TheAromaofBooks yes I‘ll see you all next book 🤣 6mo
TheAromaofBooks @TheBookHippie - Sounds good!!! 😆 6mo
MemoirsForMe Like you, I loved the chapters about Benjamin. I‘m looking forward to finding out more about his connection with the Apostles. He must have one! I was very wary about Demetrius telling Theodosia the whole story about Marcellus and the strange mysticism of the robe and then Marcellus‘ father spilling all the beans to Tiberius (who seems like quite a slimy character). I feel that one of these confidences will surely backfire on Marcellus. 6mo
MemoirsForMe I thought the author did a good job of portraying M‘s mental agony over his role in the tragic event. And also in using the robe that Marcellus was so fearful of, as the element that healed him. 6mo
BarkingMadRead I just finished it, it‘s really good! I didn‘t think I would like it, but I did! 6mo
BarkingMadRead Also, I was so impressed with Demetrius, not taking his freedom when it was offered. I hope he gets to accept freedom in the future! 6mo
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The Robe | Lloyd C. Douglas
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(thru ch 5) Well! We've been given quite the set up. What do you think of the characters so far? I feel like I should make it clear that I don't know much about the culture from this era/place, so I will NOT be speaking about the inaccuracies and/or accuracies thereof 😂 Marcellus and Demetrius are both intriguing characters to me. I really admired Marcellus's determination to make the best of a bad situation, trying to live up to his ideals. ⬇

TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) What do you think of Lloyd's portrayal of Jesus? I thought it was so interesting that M&D don't actually know what is going on at the trial because they don't speak the same language, something that I hadn't really thought about.

Also, does five chapters a week seem about right? Also, a few of you said you weren't even sure you wanted to read this book, so no hard feelings if you've decided to bail, just let me know 😂
BarkingMadRead I‘ve liked it so far! I‘ve enjoyed all the characters, even the drunken soldiers at the fort, or whatever it is 🤣 I think (personally, being a person who doesn‘t go to church much) that Jesus was portrayed really well and I was especially interested in his interactions with D. I think I read one chapter ahead, so I‘m gonna stop here 🤣 6mo
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julieclair I really want to read this, but doubt I will have time this month. But please keep me on the tag list. 6mo
MemoirsForMe I‘m enjoying it too! Since I‘ve seen the movie so many times, I can‘t help picturing Richard Burton and Victor Mature as I‘m reading. I like the portrayal of Jesus…just enough snippets interwoven in M & D‘s story since we already know the details. Great bond of friendship and dedication between both M & D! Chapters are reeeeeeeally long, but I‘ll try to keep up. 😅 6mo
MemoirsForMe @BarkingMadRead I was also moved by how Jesus made such an impact on D without uttering a word. Powerful! 6mo
TheAromaofBooks I thought Lloyd did such a good job setting up his cast of characters without getting too bogged down in details. Both Marcellus and Demetrius are very admirable in their own ways, and I liked the way Marcellus came into the fort like a boss and got everyone in line 😂 I've never seen the movie, so I'll be interested to hear how you think they compare @UwannaPublishme !!! @BarkingMadRead @julieclair 6mo
MemoirsForMe Oh, you must see the movie! There‘s also a second movie, a sequel about Demetrius. I‘m planning to watch them both after reading the book. Then I may have to pass them along to you. 😊 6mo
TheAromaofBooks @UwannaPublishme - Mom may have a copy of the movie somewhere; I feel like she has seen it. The book also has a sequel!! It's called The Big Fisherman, but while I read The Robe back in the mists of antiquity, I haven't ever read The Big Fisherman. This book is more engrossing than I remember it being (maybe just because I'm older now??) so I may try the sequel when I'm done!! 6mo
MemoirsForMe I had no idea that this book had a sequel. Hmm… I may have to check it out. When I looked it up, I noticed a movie based on the book The Big Fisherman was released in 1959. 6mo
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The Robe | Lloyd C. Douglas
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A perfect day to be reading outside!

The Robe | Lloyd C. Douglas
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I'm not sure how many of you will be interested in April's #RandomClassic as it does center around Christianity, although I'm not sure I would exactly call it a religious book. Historical fiction published in 1942, this book topped the best seller list for months. The main story is about one of the Roman soldiers who crucified Jesus and his journey, but there are a lot of other threads woven in. If anyone wants to read along, let me know!!

CatLass007 I really would like to read this one but there‘s a months long wait at my library. 7mo
BarkingMadRead I got it, we will see how long I last 🤣 it sounds interesting though! 7mo
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TheBookHippie I put it on hold will see how long I last 🙃 7mo
TheAromaofBooks @CatLass007 - Oh bummer!! It's an older book so it's very inexpensive on Kindle if that's an option for you. 7mo
TheAromaofBooks @BarkingMadRead - I read it way back in the mists of time, like maybe in high school, and actually remember it being rather adventurous, kind of romantic in the old-school sense of the word haha But the chapters are looonnnngg!!!! 7mo
CatLass007 I can‘t read ebooks because of eye strain. I wanted to listen to the audiobook but that‘s the one with the months-long wait. @TheAromaofBooks (edited) 7mo
julieclair I‘m hoping to read it. April is shaping up to be a crazy month for me. 7mo
Crazeedi I read way back when, it was so good 7mo
Librarybelle I‘ll pass on this one - have not read the book, but I‘ve seen the movie! The Sister who taught my Latin classes in high school was all about Hollywood films like this. 😂 I am planning to come back for May‘s book! 7mo
Lcsmcat I‘m not sure if I‘ll get to this one or not, but tag me and I‘ll follow along if I can. 7mo
Bklover I don‘t think I‘ll make it for The Robe, but I‘d like to reread East of Eden with you all!❤️ 7mo
TheAromaofBooks @BarkingMadRead @julieclair @Lcsmcat @TheBookHippie - I have all of you down for April's tag list, but as always, no hard feelings if you decide it's not for you after you start 😂 7mo
BarkingMadRead 🤣🤣🤣 7mo
ChelseaM6010 I‘ll pass on this one but will be back for East of Eden! 🙂 7mo
MemoirsForMe Oops… just saw this. Can you count me in too? Loved the movie and just downloaded the ebook on my Kindle. 7mo
TheAromaofBooks @UwannaPublishme - Of course!!! I'm glad to have you along!!! ❤ 6mo
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The Robe | Lloyd C. Douglas
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I was visiting the family farm today and brought back some of my childhood favourites. We had the complete Arch Books library when I was little. Alas many of them were destroyed in subsequent floods, along with my children‘s Bible. These three were all that were left.

LeahBergen I have that same edition of Candy Floss ❤️ 4y
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The Robe | Lloyd C. Douglas
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Finally have a few minutes to read a bit!!!

The Robe | Lloyd C. Douglas
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I‘m trying to talk my husband into building this for me!!!!! Has he gone deaf I wonder? 😂😆

The Robe | Lloyd C. Douglas
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I‘m so happy I finally got around to starting this book, it started a bit slow for me but now I can‘t put it down!! Happy Easter everyone, btw what an appropriate book for this holiday weekend

Erofan Happy Easter 🐣 5y
Lauraandherbooks @Erofan thank you happy Easter to you as well 5y
TheSpineView 😊🐇🐥 5y
Laura317 Sounds intriguing! Happy Easter! 5y
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The Robe | Lloyd C. Douglas
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There is an entire literary genre that I think of as "Books that could be improved by an invasion of giant killer robots." And dear sweet gods of bestsellers past does this book ever scream for robotic rescue from talky tedium.

It's better than the movie, but only just.

Aimeesue 🤖🤖🤖😂 6y
swynn @aimeesue Perfect! If they'd shown up on page 150 or so, this book would have rocked out loud. 6y
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The Robe | Lloyd C. Douglas
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I have had this book on the shelf for a while... it‘s quite interesting

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