1* we are having a small outdoor gathering for neighborhood friends and kids.
2* Zainab Salbi
3* the tagged
Anyone yet to play?
1* we are having a small outdoor gathering for neighborhood friends and kids.
2* Zainab Salbi
3* the tagged
Anyone yet to play?
Timely history lesson & warning of present lying narcissistic leaders. Seeing this is a companion to a 2017 book, From Fascism to Populism in History, I may need to check out. This was a great audio pairing with Orwell‘s 1984-crazy parallels between fiction & reality. Warning of lies fascist populist narcissists want us to believe-doublethink is real-don‘t believe your eyes & ears-only the leader tells truth. A good one for political season.
This slim volume explores why and how historical fascist figures lie. For a little book, it‘s surprisingly deep in fascist thought from around the world especially South America. Now that I understand the cult-like religious zeal of believers, I wish I had a companion volume about how to communicate with people who deny empirical truths. Really great footnotes! #history #fascism #populism