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Three Weeks with My Brother
Three Weeks with My Brother | Nicholas Sparks, Micah Sparks
12 posts | 39 read | 18 to read
As moving as his bestselling works of fiction, Nicholas Sparks's unique memoir, written with his brother, chronicles the life-affirming journey of two brothers bound by memories, both humorous and tragicIn January 2003, Nicholas Sparks and his brother, Micah, set off on a three-week trip around the globe. It was to mark a milestone in their lives, for at thirty-seven and thirty-eight respectively, they were now the only surviving members of their family. Against the backdrop of the wonders of the world and often overtaken by their feelings, daredevil Micah and the more serious, introspective Nicholas recalled their rambunctious childhood adventures and the tragedies that tested their faith. And in the process, they discovered startling truths about loss, love, and hope.Narrated with irrepressible humor and rare candor, and including personal photos, THREE WEEKS WITH MY BROTHER reminds us to embrace life with all its uncertainties...and most of all, to cherish the joyful times, both small and momentous, and the wonderful people who make them possible.
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Three Weeks with My Brother | Nicholas Sparks, Micah Sparks
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"Three Weeks With My Brother" is a heartfelt memoir co-written by bestselling author Nicholas Sparks and his brother, Micah Sparks. The book chronicles a transformative journey they undertook together, blending personal anecdotes with reflections on family, love, and loss. Through their travels, the brothers navigate the complexities of their lives, including the challenges brought by the many deaths in their family. Must read! ❤️

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Three Weeks with My Brother | Nicholas Sparks, Micah Sparks
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I didn‘t realize that this Nicholas Sparks book was a memoir/travel book. I loved it! I think he could write about paint drying and I would love it! He writes about the memories of his family while on a three week world tour with his brother Micah. He writes just enough about each to blend in his highs and lows on his way to being the writer I love. 👏👏👏👏

Three Weeks with My Brother | Nicholas Sparks, Micah Sparks
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This is so NOT my kind of book. Sparks doesn‘t write bad (although each chapter is build up similarly, which makes it quite predictable), it‘s above all what he writes about.

He and his brother go traveling the world in the most despicable way (imo): a guided tour by private (!) jet with a group of 80 (!) people in 3 (!) weeks! The horror 😱😱.
Anyhow I skimmed to the chapter about #Malta just to be able to tick it off!
#ReadingEurope2020 🇲🇹

LeahBergen That sounds revolting 😆😆 4y
squirrelbrain Ugh! At least you ticked Malta off the list ✔️ 4y
KarenUK What @LeahBergen said! I just saw your 1 star review on goodreads and HAD to jump over to Litsy see why on earth you were reading this book (it seemed out of your comfort zone to say the least! 😂) (edited) 4y
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BarbaraBB @KarenUK Now you know! All for the challenges but I didn‘t know what I was in for. Way out of my comfort zone indeed! ✅ 4y
Kalalalatja How do you even experience the world in three weeks??? 4y
BarbaraBB @Kalalalatja Add to those three weeks that they were surrounded by 80 fellow travellers the whole time... I cannot begin to imagine how this trip must have been 😱. (edited) 4y
Librarybelle Yikes! At least Malta is checked off! 4y
Suet624 🤣🤣 love this post. 4y
batsy Lol! 4y
emilyhaldi Lol love this review! 😂 4y
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Three Weeks with My Brother | Nicholas Sparks, Micah Sparks
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#WeeklyForecast 51/20

I hope to read all of these books. I just started Telephone for #ToB21. Three Weeks with my Brother is for #ReadingEurope2020, Christmas Days because it‘s been recommended so often these days, Brighton Rock to fit in one more #1001books and The Sun Down Motel because it‘s my #bookspin!

TrishB A great plan 👍🏻 4y
Megabooks I‘m interested in your thoughts on telephone. It wasn‘t on my radar at all. 🤞🏻 it‘s good! 4y
Cinfhen Looks like an awesome week of reading and hopefully relaxing #BooksAndBooze 💓😊🙌🏻 4y
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BarbaraBB @Cinfhen Exactly 📚 🍷 4y
Kalalalatja I wouldn‘t have guessed you are into Nicholas Sparks? 😄 4y
BarbaraBB @Kalalalatja I don‘t know him... it‘s just that I needed a book for Malta and came across it. Is it bad? 4y
Kalalalatja I haven‘t read his books, but seen a lot of the films based on his books (like The Notebook). As far as I know, they are on the fluffier-brain candy-sad romance-side of the literary spectrum, but it might be just the book you need at the moment, and I might be wrong 😅 4y
BarbaraBB @Kalalalatja I have heard of The Notebook and didn‘t make the connection! Totally not my kind of book indeed but maybe it‘s good diversion from reality! 4y
Kalalalatja I just now realized, it is a memoir, so it might be something completely different from his novels. Only time will tell 😄 4y
BarbaraBB @Kalalalatja It‘s a memoir in which he travels the world with his brother. In three weeks... yet I love books about traveling so I hope it‘ll work out. Starting it now! 4y
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Three Weeks with My Brother | Nicholas Sparks, Micah Sparks
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Think I've spent most of the day crying and getting funny looks from my hubby 😪
What a beautiful memoir of the love and heartbreak the brothers went through. I loved it so much and it covered Malta as they visited on their trip around the world.
#ReadingEurope2020 #Malta 🇲🇹 (4 books left to read, off to Wales next 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿)

Cinfhen Where else do they visit?? Maybe I can use it for another country??? 4y
suzie.reads @Cinfhen they only visit Malta and Norway in Europe, they spent most of their time elsewhere 4y
Cinfhen Darn, I already visited those places 😜 4y
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Three Weeks with My Brother | Nicholas Sparks, Micah Sparks
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This is the first book I thought of for this photo challenge... I read it so many years ago! It's written by Nicholas Sparks and his brother, Micah about their family and their #journey around the world.

mjdowens I am not really a Nicholas Sparks fan, however, I did read this one and loved it. 7y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @mjdowens I did too! I have to be in the mood for his books... I haven't read his newest one. 7y
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Three Weeks with My Brother | Nicholas Sparks, Micah Sparks
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I found myself very angry with him, leaving his wife to care for ALL their children alone while taking this wonderful trip of a lifetime. I found him very selfish, but the book was well written and found myself in the places they visited.

Kboltz She wanted him to go and that‘s why their marriage works. 3y
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Three Weeks with My Brother | Nicholas Sparks, Micah Sparks
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Nicholas Sparks might be hated on by some, but I usually like his books. This one gave some insight on his own life and how his popular books were thought of. #somethingforsept

Three Weeks with My Brother | Nicholas Sparks, Micah Sparks
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Is it possible to have hardly ever read a book with an author collaboration? This is the only book I ever read that had some sort of collaboration even though Nicholas Sparks' brother isn't an author. So here ya go. #day16 #augustphotochallenge #augustofpages