Beginning of tagged book - love this quote!!
Beginning of tagged book - love this quote!!
I didn't really like this one. But it had these moments that will stay with me.
I read 51 books in March. Here are 19 of my favorites. 🖤 good reading month. So many good books & some duds. I haven‘t finished CyberStorm so maybe there will be 20 great nooks ...
🎧 Agatha accidentally finds her hubby in the tool shed with the neighborhood dog walker, picks up an ax & hacks the shed to pieces.
She can‘t let it go. Her hubby moves in with the younger woman & they share the kids. All along Agatha is spying on them & the lengths that she goes to 😆😆😆 There‘s a FB mom group & you quickly determine that Agatha‘s not only unhappy but also afraid of everything.
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️2/3 👇🏻
⚖️AGATHA is zany, heart-felt and voicey, just like WHERE‘D YOU GO BERNADETTE. If you liked one, you'll certainly like the other.
🤣This novel is so funny. The interactions with the Mom's FB group, the mental circles that Agatha sometimes follows... it was a balm to read something that made me laugh.
🪓It still packs a punch. This book would be great to read with your book club. There's a lot of meat here about identity, motherhood, fear, etc
Got a picture of these two bucks this morning! They were certainly testing each other out.
Reading an advanced copy of the tagged book. It focuses on a woman who caught her husband cheating and has a bit of a mental breakdown. She‘s a novelist, and, as the title suggests, is afraid of everything. I mean everything, even beans. A lot of the story takes place online in a Facebook moms group. Enjoying it so far!
I loved the story, has fun and entertaining parts, like other parts that made me cry, poor Agatha, she really gets through many things, she is such a good character, sometimes she can be so mean, but she is a good person and deserves better than her ex! I loved the last characters and the last one was pretty good.