This book was amazing and gave a great summary of world history! I definitely recommend for a 100 level world history class. The author does a great job explaining what he is saying.
This book was amazing and gave a great summary of world history! I definitely recommend for a 100 level world history class. The author does a great job explaining what he is saying.
The Jews have never had a homeland of their own and were even thinking about creating their own homeland in Africa. Although they ultimately went to Palestine, it makes me wonder how the narrative would‘ve been changed if Israel was in Africa instead of Palestine. I also question if the original Jewish state was directly in Palestine. Sure, the Bible mentions cities that are in modern Israel but is there a possibility our maps are off?
“For many children, and for parents who needed their children‘s wages, compulsory education was a form of tyranny.”
I find it very interesting Karl Marx expected socialism to begin in America. Like it says in the book, the traditional American dream kept that happening. Personally, I would choose socialism to begin in a country with a monarchy. When there‘s a separation between government and the people as there was in imperial Russia, socialism began.
I find it interesting that many Native American groups welcomed the Spaniards and their conquest since they didn‘t want to be ruled by the Aztecs and Inca. Typically we may not hear the point of view of minor Native American groups, and although the Spanish were cruel to Native Americans, it‘s important to remember that in the beginning, some groups welcomed the conquest.
It‘s very hard for me to imagine a world without clocks, but I guess once upon a time, we legitimately did not have them. I find it interesting the eastern world had clocks first, then the western world got them for prayer intervals independent of the sun.
I find it interesting that the world was supposed to end when the Roman Empire ended. I love how the Franks and Visigoths worked to keep Rome alive to an extent. I think even today a part of Rome is still alive in our government systems and structure.