Cute and really funny. Little tiny kids probably won't get the humor, but this is perfect for elementary age. The illustrations are perfect.
Cute and really funny. Little tiny kids probably won't get the humor, but this is perfect for elementary age. The illustrations are perfect.
Chloe and the Lion is a picturebook about an author working together with his illustrator to create an amazing book. It tells the story of a girl who hunts lions. This book would appeal to children because it‘s funny. The illustrator uses different mediums to tell this story. Some pictures are draw while others look more realistic. Overall, this is a very good story.
“You‘re the Writer. Adam is the illustrator. We all add something to the story. But you can‘t just stop telling it.”
Picture book. This story has so much opportunity for a really engaging read with a child or classroom. It also incorporates lessons like apologizing, forgiveness, working together, and not giving up.
Chloe and the Lion written by Mac Barnett and illustrated by Adam Rex 2012
The story featured a variety of styles of illustration from pencil drawings, to cutouts and clay figures, and incorporated three different illustrators styles including drawings from the author. The story took you on not only Chloe‘s journey but the journey of the art making it a really engaging and enjoyable picture book.
Just read this to the little girl I nanny. It is hilarious to read as an adult, but I think most of the jokes go over this 5 year old's head. Still a cute children's book, and this page made me whip out the camera! I guess Amazon is doing a summer book club for kids?? She received this book and "Fantastic Mr Fox."
One of the most unique picture books I have ever read. Mac is the author, and Adam is the illustrator and the two of them try to illustrate the story of Chloe and her lion. But Adam wants Mac to know that a dragon would have been better. So time to get a new artist. This book was so fun as the author and illustrator were characters right alongside Chloe and everyone else. A zanny book to read over and over again.