I enjoyed the story itself however the publisher or editor needs a slap on the wrist. There were so many mistakes that several times I wanted to ditch it for that alone.
I enjoyed the story itself however the publisher or editor needs a slap on the wrist. There were so many mistakes that several times I wanted to ditch it for that alone.
Adorkably proud of this photo - and loved reading this book! If you need a beach read for your last vacation this weekend, grab this one. This isn't a book I'd normally read, but I was hooked by the description. The author knows what he's talking about, and paints a fantastic story of a beast that awakens beneath the ice, hungering for a taste of something new...
This is the author's first book. I don't like to pan books, but I just didn't like it at all. I I enjoy this type of book, but I kept focusing on the problems and never enjoyed it.