Ah-hah! Found this at the *other* Barnes (other side of town ;)) and will choose this for #seasonalcozies for April. Why? Because, in an ill-advised move last month, I agreed to be voted in as pta president next month (April). 🫣
Ah-hah! Found this at the *other* Barnes (other side of town ;)) and will choose this for #seasonalcozies for April. Why? Because, in an ill-advised move last month, I agreed to be voted in as pta president next month (April). 🫣
Wow. Solid first book in a new series and I was hooked from the go! I was a little concerned that a cozy was 50 chapters long, but they just zipped right along. The characters were great, relatable, and the situations were plausible. Also love when everyone has a good head on their shoulders. Can‘t wait to read book 2!