I am pleased to present to you the winner of the 2022 Washington Children's Choice Picture Book Award (WA state U.S.A.). #WCCPBA
Truly am everybody book, I think older people would enjoy it as much as if not more than the kids.
I am pleased to present to you the winner of the 2022 Washington Children's Choice Picture Book Award (WA state U.S.A.). #WCCPBA
Truly am everybody book, I think older people would enjoy it as much as if not more than the kids.
I love when the publisher includes a printable that you can present to any age level (including example). The kids can draw, or draw and write to the best of their ability. Don't even get me started on how great this book is. 3X the characters work together to get what they need. At one point you get the Charlotte Web level of intensity of 'where's papa going with the ax?' when Barnabus finds out he'll be recycled. #gazingbooks #readoutloud ☆☆☆☆☆
Barnabus, a genetically engineered half mouse, half elephant, makes a dramatic escape from the failed experiments shelf. All three of the Fan brothers collaborated to create the digitally coloured graphite illustrations that reward lingering over details. Best of all is the beautiful message of inclusivity. Winner of the GG (Juvenile Illustration) & the TD Canadian Children‘s Literature Award. #kidlit #AllAges
One small portion of a two-page spread gives an idea of how much is happening in the illustrations in this award-winning picture book.
It was almost like looking in a mirror, except Barnaby‘s eyes were bigger, and his fur was like cotton candy. He was perfect.
One more review to write (it's for the tagged book) and then I can finish my monthly reading roundup on my blog. The bestest books are the hardest to review.
It‘s the first time that all three of the Fan brothers have collaborated on a book: in the past, it‘s been the duo of Eric and Terry. Devin joined them in creating The Barnabus Project, which has won the TD Canadian Children‘s Book Award. Yay!
Nominated for the Washington Children's Choice Picture Book Award. I think students will love this book. It reminds me of Dan Santat's Beekle, both books could inspire some great kid art. #WCCPBA #readoutloud #everbodybooks
This is an adorable picture book with amazing illustrations! The sweet story offers a lesson in knowing you have value, even when you‘re told you don‘t, and finding freedom from the goal of perfection.
Children will love it, but so will adults! It‘s one of those special books that speaks to all ages.
There have been some amazing new JE books released this year . I check out a pile for my nieces every time we receive new ones here at my library. I just spotted this one on the shelf and had to read it. It is a captivating read that even adults will enjoy! Also it‘s national library shelfie day! Yay! #shelfie
All the books we ordered for Christmas and our little guy's birthday (November) have arrived. Top two are for baby girl and the rest are for the little guy. Our little guy loves doing science experiments which is why we went with the Women in Science set for the Little People Big Dreams series. He loves the Little Critter books right now and we are curious to see if he'll like The Barnabus Project.
#RaisingReaders #KidsBooks #BoardBooks