#WonderousWednesday @Eggs
1) Look out for avalanches
2) Not yet!
3) All of them haha
#WonderousWednesday @Eggs
1) Look out for avalanches
2) Not yet!
3) All of them haha
True account of the author's ascent of Annapurna (Himalayas) in 1950 (it was the first ever) at substantial cost of health and limbs to him as well as several other climbers. I am fascinated by the obsession of reaching these summits when results are so unpredictable: frostbite (infection/amputation), storms, falls, death. He dictates this account while recuperating in a Paris hospital in 1951. Is it worth your life?
Although this took me a while to finish (mostly do to life stresses) I enjoyed reading this. You do have to enjoy first hand accounts which aren't always entertaining, but I found that I didn't want to put it down. There are parts that are slow, a normal thing for nonfiction, but overall it was an easy read when I had time. Read for #booked2018 #setoutdoors
My Saturday plans. #bookandbeer
So I have been really silent on here for a couple months. Work has been absolutely crazy to the point that I have been so stressed at times I can't even think about reading. Finally have a week off and am finally back at it. Currently reading the tagged book.