⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ A fascinating history of the life of Elizabeth Fry, a pioneer, but also flawed woman. Today she is remembered for her tireless work for prison reform and for aiding her brother petition to abolish slavery; but she battled her own private demons of alcoholism (she felt medicinal) and her lack of maternal tenderness. Her work as a Quaker minister today would be considered feminist, but she was against universal suffrage. A paradox.
Crazeedi Sounds like an interesting book and woman 5y
veritysalter @Crazeedi The school I went to and my children go to is Quaker, although I am just a ‘visitor‘ at meeting. It is mentioned in the book, as Fry visited when it was a Foundling Hospital. I found this deeper dive in to her story fascinating. 5y
Crazeedi @veritysalter wow, very interesting! I will definitely add, I enjoy well written biographies 5y