I figured I'd finish this before I return it to the library. Not horrible, not great, just meh. Got through it for more Deadshot.
I figured I'd finish this before I return it to the library. Not horrible, not great, just meh. Got through it for more Deadshot.
I figured I'd finish this before I return it to the library. Not horrible, not great, just meh. Got through it for more Deadshot.
Deadshot to Waller: if it's good enough for us, it's good enough for you. Me: that was actually a pretty good point, especially since she tends to lie to get people to do unsafe things.
I like Warrant cause Israeli special forces. We are gonna have a problem if he goes after Deadshot, though...
I'll come back to this later. It's mediocre enough that I find myself not on the mood to finish right this minute.
"My guts are screaming." That's some pretty clumsy phrasing right there.