Listening to this book by a Filipino-American author for AAPI Heritage Month. It‘s very good. #aapi #asianamericanheritagemonth
Listening to this book by a Filipino-American author for AAPI Heritage Month. It‘s very good. #aapi #asianamericanheritagemonth
I had some time to kill this morning, so I stopped by Barnes & Noble and picked up these two books. The Son of Good Fortune sounds so good and relevant. God Shot is about a cult. What‘s not to love about that? I hope everyone‘s Sunday is relaxing and full of good books.
Author Lysley Tenorio transitions from his short stories of Monstress to a full novel of the Filipino experience in America. Illegal immigrant Excel moves from place to place alongside his mother, a former B-film actress who scams older men for money. As the pair navigates through their illegal activities and encounters with unsavory characters, the pair learn to understand the meaning of who they wish to be.
Giving away a copy of The Son of Good Fortune on my Instagram account (@sarahs.thoughts.on.books). Thanks @eccobooks and Bibliolifestyle for my copy