That glorious moment when a parody book speaks to your inner 70s child! I present to you...♡
Snapped up an #ARC of this art book on #NetGalley — it‘s basically a nostalgic love letter to those Scholastic Book Fairs I adored as a kid with a 70‘s/80‘s horror twist. I wish some of these books were real... 🤣🤫😵👻☠️👽🎃
Book will be published this August.
This vintage looking book showcases art from Steven Rhodes. It is mostly images of “books” you can order such as Caring for Your Demon Cat, Let‘s Conjure Bloody Mary, and My First Zombie Apocalypse.
It also has activities like a maze to get out of Hell and making shadow puppets of the devil. Great artwork and I love the nostalgic feel mixed with creepy images.