I'm now in the same "is there another book on the series" pain as @thegirlwiththelibrarybag
I'm now in the same "is there another book on the series" pain as @thegirlwiththelibrarybag
How do you go with reading series? Or keeping up with series? I think I‘m better at it than I give myself for - but once I‘ve lost the thread of the story, I find it really hard to go back...
These are all book 3 - and I‘ve read all but two of them!
Art dealer Alex Clayton and her fantastic partner Hogarth the Wolfhound are back for another art mystery. This time they travel to a historic sheep station in Western Victoria to value all the artwork but things don't go according to plan ⭐⭐⭐ Still love Hogarth so much 😊🐕💕
I love this series! It combines art with the history of Australia - in particular how Colonial/White Australia has impacted not only on the land but also the Aboriginal people. The main story involves Alex coming to a wealthy farming household to value some painting but before you know it - the patriarch is dead, a toddler goes missing as does the most valuable painting... all in all an excellent mystery! Can‘t wait for #4!