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The Anti-Virginity Pact
The Anti-Virginity Pact | Katie Wismer
3 posts | 2 read | 3 to read
Preachers’ daughters aren’t supposed to be atheists. They’re also not supposed to make pacts to lose their virginity by the end of the year, but high school senior Meredith Beaumont is sick of letting other people tell her who to be. Spending the last four years as Mute Mare, the girl so shy just thinking about boys could trigger panic attacks, Meredith knows exactly what it’s like to be invisible. But when a vindictive mean girl gets her manicured claws on the anti-virginity pact and spreads it around the school—with Mare’s signature at the bottom—Mare’s not so invisible anymore. She just wishes she was. Now the girls mutter “slut” as they pass her in the hall, and the boys are lined up to help complete her checklist. When she meets a guy who knows nothing of the pact, their budding romance quickly transforms from a way to get her first time over with to a genuine connection. But when the pact threatens to destroy her new relationship and the fragile foundation of her seemingly perfect family, Mare has to decide what’s more important: fixing her reputation and pleasing her parents, or standing up for the person she wants to be.
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Not that great. The MC makes some pretty dumb decisions at times.

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My current read.

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This book was pretty good for the first 50%, then it went downhill fast. Too many serious topics were thrown in and none of them were handled well. The man character made some dumb decisions that seemed out of character. At one point, I just had to put the book down cause of how unbelievably stupid the main character was. Super disappointed.

Recieved as an ARC from #Netgalley.