There is a cozy mystery road trip on Saturday. Here‘s the link and it sounds fun!
There is a cozy mystery road trip on Saturday. Here‘s the link and it sounds fun!
Now this mystery was quite a twister. Many subplots roll around together leading to a compelling conclusion.
Read my full review here: https://www.escapewithdollycas.com/2020/04/22/cozy-wednesday-the-diva-spices-it-...
A few weeks ago I won a flash giveaway by Krista Davis. Today was the first opportunity I had to pick it up from where I had it delivered. I won an ARC of her new book, The Diva Spices It Up, which is going to be released on April 28th. She included a handwritten note and some promotional bookmarks. My favorite is that she autographed it!! 😍 Now to get started on this series.
Very enjoyable read, even if all the recipes made my mouth water as I was reading! I loved the mix of characters and really enjoyed the fall touches, especially the decorations. Good mystery too; I kinda was thinking I knew who the murder was, but the ending was certainly a delightful surprise to me.