This illustrations in this are lovely and the grandbaby and I both enjoyed the story. 👍🏻👍🏻
This illustrations in this are lovely and the grandbaby and I both enjoyed the story. 👍🏻👍🏻
What I learned about Brazil:
🔵Some people pack up their entire home to move part of the year due to rising waters
🔵Appearance is very important
🔵Nearly every household has a television 🔵Liberdade, São Paulo has the world's largest Japanese community outside Japan
🔵Blumenau preserves their early German culture
🔵New recipes weren't enough to entice me to cook
🔵I forgot about a local ethnic good supermarket that carries Brazilian treats
This is an excellent children‘s ebook with beautiful illustrations describing the semi-nomadic life of families living along this river. I appreciate that it shows us how other cultures live, rebuilding their houses in the rainforest during the wet, or winter, season. #foodandlit #Brazil @Butterfinger @Catsandbooks
This children's book was a short glimpse into life along this Brazilian river. Due to the rising waters half of the year, many families pack up their belongings and move inland as their homes will be underwater. Living in the USA, where nearly everyone is so centered on having an abundance of stuff, it's amazing that these people like this semi-nomadic lifestyle instead of permanently moving. There may be more to it that the book doesn't cover.
Bright colorful illustrations!
I came across this book due to a free offering for World Book Day on Kindle, and am I ever thankful. The artwork is engaging and the story very informative about an existing way of life in the Amazon Rain Forest. Such a cute story about two young children rescuing their pet tortoise? after the ”winter” rains have come to a small riverside town flooding homes & communities on the Tapajós River in the state of Pará.
Brazilian author Fernando Vilela took inspiration for this story from a trip to the Amazon rainforest. During the “summer” months the children live in their house on stilts, but as soon as the rain and “winter” begin, all their belonging are packed up and they take a boat further in to the rainforest where it is dry. Loved the illustrations!
Unfortunately my puppy also loved this book 😒
Read for Children's Lit class. Interesting story about families living along the Tapajós River in Brazil who have to pack up and move inland during the rainy season, as the river rises so much it fills their house. Siblings Cauã and Inaê discover they‘ve left their tortoise Titi behind and go back and rescue him. Clunky writing, but the illustrations are wonderfully textural, produced by woodcut techniques, drawing, and collage.