"What does it mean to 'pass'? To 'pass' places the burden of intelligibility on the person who seeks to 'pass': if we are not interpreted correctly, it is because we have failed to make our meaning clear. I reject that." - Kat Gupta
"What does it mean to 'pass'? To 'pass' places the burden of intelligibility on the person who seeks to 'pass': if we are not interpreted correctly, it is because we have failed to make our meaning clear. I reject that." - Kat Gupta
"People often misunderstand intersectionality as referring to the ways in which different aspects of our individual identities operate together to shape our experience, but actually it's about how interlocking systems of power impact us through patterns of privilege and oppression."
This books is comprised of a number of essays that provide much to think about. So many aspects of our lives are non-binary or fluid not just our identity. Sometimes it feels like we can have multiple selves depending on the context - who we're with, where we are at - and how past experiences have shaped us. It's part of the multi-faceted nature of being human. I am reminded of Whitman's words, "I am large; I contain multitudes."
Above quote from chapter 7 - All Gods Are the Same - by Kimwei McCarthy