An interesting memoir i read for #scienceseptember.
I wonder how much the field has advanced since Dr. Maples was alive.
My second #scienceseptember read.
Science September is a hashtag on instagram. Unfortunately I forgot whose “hosting” it, but i heard about it on Reading Envy the podcast. I don‘t have an instagram so I figured I would do it here ☺️ #forensics #anthropology
“Like one, that on a lonesome road
Doth walk in fear and dread,
And having once turned round, walks on,
And turns no more his head;
Because he knows a frightful fiend
Doth close behind him tread….
—Samuel Taylor Coleridge,
The Rime of the Ancient Manner”
Excerpt From
Dead Men Do Tell Tales: The Strange and Fascinating Cases of a Forensic Anthropologist
Maples, William R.
This material may be protected by copyright.
Drunken me to my book:"Weave me a story, Doctor." ?☠️
That is fucking fascinating!! Bloody brilliant!! 💀👅
When 2 anthropology grad students fall in love and get married and years later their kid volunteers one to speak to the 7th grade on Monday, this shows up on the dining room table. I came home after a night of drinking to find "Richard" spending the night. Hey, buddy!
Who doesn't use their favorite restaurant's business card as a book mark?? 🍣🌮📖💀
2nd and Charles mini haul. Because my to-read list isn't long enough. #morebooks #notenoughreadingtime