When you forgot your book but have to wait for a friend you‘re meeting. Thank heavens for “emergency car books.” Now I just have to remember to replace this one with another one since I‘ll add this to my in progress bedside table stack.
When you forgot your book but have to wait for a friend you‘re meeting. Thank heavens for “emergency car books.” Now I just have to remember to replace this one with another one since I‘ll add this to my in progress bedside table stack.
Finally finished. I started listening to this one and it was moving too slowly - ended up speed "reading" just to finish it. Eh.
Recommended for Nicholas Sparks fans. A bittersweet love story, which is not really my jam.
Chico is so tired that he finally let me just take the dang picture after a big, dramatic sigh. Life is so hard.
Wondering the stacks of my local library is one of my favorite things to do and it's even better when you find books you weren't even looking for.