This is the second part of Empress Orchid. I felt so sorry for Jehonala, she was so lonely but so strong. I don't know what she really was in real life because I've read very mixed opinions about her but in these books she is more positivish.
This is the second part of Empress Orchid. I felt so sorry for Jehonala, she was so lonely but so strong. I don't know what she really was in real life because I've read very mixed opinions about her but in these books she is more positivish.
Great book, not surprisingly, I did have the pleasure of reading another novel of hers this year.
Empress Orchid" was better than "The Last Empress" but still this was a great sequel. If you're not into sad and depressing stories then this one is not for you. The overall mood of this book is loneliness and melancholy. Empress Orchid has a life that I do not envy. She was immortal, literally and figruatievly. She has to witness the deaths of her loved ones and 2 of her sons, I wouldn't be able to bear it.