Garde Manger: Cold Kitchen Fundamentals | The American Culinary Federation, Edward F. Leonard, Brenda R. Carlos, Tina Powers
This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book. ACF’s Cold Kitchen Fundamentals covers all aspects of the garde manger, from simple salad prep, to dressing and sauce making, to appetizers, soups and sandwiches, to charcuterie, cheese making, and ice carving. Each chapter is rich with photos, chef’s tips, and recipes and each unit includes learning activities and benchmark formulas that encourage specific learning outcomes. Offering unique coverage of competition and food technology, the book helps students understand the underlying principals of the cold kitchen and develop the skills needed to produce their own signature sauces, salads, and more! Some additional features include: An ACF endorsement—makes this text unique. Chef’s Tips–provide invaluable how-to information from seasoned professionals Over 600 illustrative photographs—appear throughout the book. Supportive Recipes–include those tested in the working kitchen and culinary schools.