“This movement is not merely a demand for eating places... but a demand for respect... We will meet the capacity to inflict suffering with the capacity to endure suffering... We will wear [segregation] down by our capacity to suffer.“
“This movement is not merely a demand for eating places... but a demand for respect... We will meet the capacity to inflict suffering with the capacity to endure suffering... We will wear [segregation] down by our capacity to suffer.“
I would use “Freedom Riders“ with older elementary students to expose them to and teach them about the history of not only the Civil Rights movement as a whole, but all the the smaller movements that comprised it. Telling this moving story of two men, one Black and one White, standing together in solidarity for what is right would be a very powerful and unique experience for students to understand the perspective of those who may not be like them.
“Freedom Riders“ is a book that talks about the story of two young men traveling to Alabama as Freedom Riders to fight against racism. This book talks about the history and struggle of the Civil Rights movement, the differences in White and Black America, and how to move forward as a country. This book uses black and white pictures, timelines, maps, and roster biographies to support the very detailed information provided in the text.
This book was a good example of a nonfiction book because the text is clear, informational, and easy to follow. Also, the text pairs well with the clear illustrations and together they really make the content interesting.
I would use this in a future classroom because learning about history is extremely important, especially controversial history so it would be a great book to use to help teach.
“It was a ride to fight against the nations social injustice“
“It was a ride to fight against the nations social injustice“
I would use this book in my classroom to show the students the life of people that had to live through the civil rights movement.
This was a great nonfiction book showing the two different perspectives of the social injustice that has happened in the past that has led to the freedom riders. The information is not only informational but it is clear in the information given. The illustrations extend the text through clear and detailed pictures.
“If not us, then who? If not now, then when?“
I think that this is a definite classroom pick! However, I think that this book is better suited for older children. The language and topics are a little too hard for youngsters to comprehend. However, I think that this book is an absolute necessity for an older classroom. The history is so accurate and crucial for children to learn.
This nonfiction story tells the tale of John Lewis and Jim Zwerg. These men were at the front lines of the Civil Rights movement. I really liked how the story started by showing how different these two men were, and what different privileges they had. Even though these men were completely different, they were fighting for the same things. I think that this book is a definite pick for an older classroom.
I really did enjoy this book, because of the accuracy of the information and how is Eva read it was. All of the Significant facts are included and portrayed perfectly
I think I would use this in an older classroom setting, because it talks about the past and segregation Which could be touchy/ hard to comprehend topics for younger children.
riders agreed to serve jail time if they were arrested and they expected to encounter violence.