A good start to a new detective series 👍🏻 took a while for the various threads to start coming together, but enjoyed the journey.
Thanks Carolyn- have managed to get number 3 in series for 99p. Will keep my eye out for number 2 on offer!
A good start to a new detective series 👍🏻 took a while for the various threads to start coming together, but enjoyed the journey.
Thanks Carolyn- have managed to get number 3 in series for 99p. Will keep my eye out for number 2 on offer!
Thank you Carolyn ♥️ I‘m looking forward to starting a new series! I can‘t believe the dish arrived unscathed. I share your sentiments exactly in your card.
Hurrah for Litsy friends 😁♥️♥️
A hit & run that might not be an accident, a suicide that might not be a suicide & a bunch of thuggish, bullying colleagues are Police Constable Hirsch's welcome to his new placement in outback South Australia. Investigating against the wishes of his superior officer, & fending off attempts to compromise him in retaliation for blowing the whistle on his previous station, he uncovers a web of corruption, cronyism, rape & murder. A great read.
The only good thing to come out of it was an understanding in Hirsch. Police officers could drift over time, he saw. It wasn't always or entirely conscious; more like a loss of perspective. Real and imagined grievances festering; a feeling that the job a deserved greater and better public recognition. Or at least perks, rewards. More money, more or better sex, a promotion, a junket to an interstate conference. Greater respect in general.