Enzo - dog‘s POV
Enzo - dog‘s POV
1. I do read them.
2. Tagged my favorite, I enjoyed Enzo‘s witness.
@TheSpineView @Kshakal @JenReadsAlot #two4tuesday
I received this amazing package today from @Tattooedteacher ! Thanks so much! This book, which is the middle grade version of a book for adults, sounds delightful! And the tea smells delicious. Thank you!
This is just one of many stacks waiting. Don't even make me show my physical list of those I want to read...#notenoughtime
A productive month of horror, scifi, and gut-wrenching, soul-searching memorable fiction. With a little bit of "easy reading" and a scientific, nonfiction book to finish out the list. #whatIread #bookworm #December2016 ??????
This was an adaptation for young readers, and so I finished it in a single evening. But even if it wasn't, once I started I couldn't put it down. Be prepared to have your heart be full of love. And be prepared to cry, because the last few chapters I finished reading with tears streaming down my face. But they were happy tears. For the love of a dog for his human, and the love of a man for his daughter, and his fight to achieve his dreams. 5/5 😍💙
"To live every day as if it had been stolen from death, that is how I would like to live. To feel the joy of life... To separate oneself from the burden, the angst, the anguish that we all encounter every day. To say I am alive... That is something to aspire to." ??
Starting off @DeweysReadathon with Racing in the Rain. Been on my #TBR list for awhile, I'm excited to see what the hypes about!