This seems to have gotten my attention.
The school district has FINALLY given us instructions for Monday so mentally I feel more focused and less anxious. Maybe I can actually get some reading done.
This seems to have gotten my attention.
The school district has FINALLY given us instructions for Monday so mentally I feel more focused and less anxious. Maybe I can actually get some reading done.
#Booktober Day 6: #Fullofadventure My edition has the three book of Memories of the eagle and the jaguar This books are full of adventure and are a fun read but is probably for a younger audience than me.
Dia 6 de #Booktober Esta es la compilación de los tres libros en la triologia Memorias de Ãguila y Jaguar las aventuras de Alex y su abuela Kate una periodista nos llevan a través de muchas aventuras es para una audiencia mas joven. #Allende