“Gabrielle Chanel, who would grow up to be the essence of French chic, was born in a hospice for the poor at Saumur, in France‘s Pays de la Loire, on a blistering hot August afternoon I 1883.”
“Gabrielle Chanel, who would grow up to be the essence of French chic, was born in a hospice for the poor at Saumur, in France‘s Pays de la Loire, on a blistering hot August afternoon I 1883.”
Well that was a disappointing first book of 2020. A poorly executed piece of secondary research, It read like a third-class dissertation with phrases such as ‘if other biographers are to believed‘, ‘some historians claim‘, ‘we don‘t know for certain‘. And apparently the Balearic Islands are ‘a resort‘ in the Mediterranean.
I‘m using this for #monaco for #readingeurope2020; there was a lot less Monaco than expected, but there was still some!
On my TBR 📚 iconic fashion designer Coco Chanel may have been a Nazi sympathizer.
I typically lookup words I don‘t know. Now I‘m sorry I did.
Noun. coprophiliac (plural coprophiliacs) someone with a marked interest in excrement, especially the use of feces or filth for sexual excitement.
...and he was a notorious one at that. 😶
Sad to learn Chanel was an antisemite.