#12BooksOf2021 January
My twelve favorite books of 2021
This book was FASCINATING, and one of the best books I've read so far this year!
Good job, you "Woke" assholes!
I haven't eaten meat in seven years, but I fully agree with this. I often say that the number one enemy to veganism and vegetarianism is vegans and vegetarians.
Don't get me wrong, there are a lot of maniacs with nuclear weapons at their disposal (you can do your own calculations there), but when armies go to war they don't just open fire with every gun they've got until there's no ammo left. It's puzzling that we talk about nuclear war in this way all the time.
(Continued)..."Vanilla Isis," and "Yee Hawdists."
I hate children, and I always knew that they would be the death of me. Now it's been confirmed. Such bullshit! Some pointless baby's life is NOT more important than mine!
A global mass extinction sounds grave, but shouting about a mass extinction just makes you sound like a scold or a street preacher. On the other hand, if I get specific and tell you we're about to lose Arabica coffee and the adorable aquatic animal known as the vaquita (google it) you'll more likely feel the reality of a dawning ecological disaster at the gut level.
An entertaining series of exploration into possible future events, like alien contact, immortality, the end of human driven cars and the day humans stop eating meat. Some are far fetched, some are scarily possible. One scenario he skipped surprised me, The Day A Woman Is Finally Elected President of the USA. I think that would be a huge paradigm shift, in all the best ways possible. 4 💥💥💥💥
Book 2 for #27Hours7Day readathon @KristenDuck