Earthdance by Joanne Ryder and illustrated by Norman Gorbaty is an incredible piece of P dedicated to appreciating our home, Earth. It allows the students to imagine what it would be like to be the Earth and to remind them the importance of protecting our home, hence why a DR would be an ideal teaching strategy with this book. The author and illustrator managed to bring this beautiful poem to life, all while emphasizing a truly important message.
karlasanabria1 #UCFLAE3414F19 An ideal teacher resource for this PB is https://www.scholastic.com/teachers/books/earth-dance-by-joanne-ryder/. The UDL Strategy that would best align with this book is clarifying vocabulary and symbols (2.1). The ESOL Strategy I‘ve chosen for this particular book is teaching technical vocabulary supporting key concepts (5). 5y
KristenScala This book looks like such a fun and inviting read. I think it‘s important that we teach our students about our planet and the variety of people who live on it. I love that this is a poetry book because it may help students have better clarification on things they may not know about. 5y
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