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Restoration | Rose Tremain
15 posts | 12 read | 13 to read
Restoration is a dazzling romp through 17th-century England. The main character Robert Merivel not only embodies the contradictions of his era, but ours as well. He is trapped between the longing for wealth and power and the realization that the pursuit of these trappings can leave one's life rather empty.
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Restoration | Rose Tremain
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This book has been on my TBR for YEARS. And i loved it. I think if you enjoyed Wolf Hall or Crimson Petal and the White, you might like this too. Robert Merivel is a London medical student in the seventeenth century. A lucky chance sees him smiled upon by the king, fated to experience both the highs and lows of this inequitable age. Merivel is a bon vivant - which is often enjoyable - but Tremain has something to say about complacency too.

rwmg I remember hearing about that when it first came out but then I forgot about it. Wishlisted 1y
Cathythoughts I did love Crimson Petal ❤️ 1y
Centique @Cathythoughts it really does take you to another time and place 😍 1y
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CarolynM It‘s been on my TBR for years too. One day… I‘ve also got this one of hers that I still haven‘t read 1y
Centique @CarolynM i loved that one! Only other one of hers ive read. 1y
MrsMalaprop I love Rose Tremain and actually met her once while we were sheltering from the rain at a Perth Writers Fest outdoor dinner party/book reading! Haven‘t read this one. 1y
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Restoration | Rose Tremain
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@Coffeymuse this is how far I got in my current read before bailing, although I might try it again at some point in the future.

#bookedintime #titlesandtunes #sexdrugsandrockandroll #englishcivilwar @Cuilin @Cinfhen @BarbaraBB

Will try to find a book for #bookedintime, but this is definitely my review for #titlesandtunes!

Cuilin Good for you for bailing 🪂 I‘m sure you‘ve plenty of other ideas. 😊 1y
TheBookHippie I‘ve been getting very good at the bail!!! 😂 1y
Coffeymuse It can be hard to bail but it's so nice settling into something else that your excited to read. 1y
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Restoration | Rose Tremain
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#bookreport @Cinfhen

Continued Count
Finished The New Climate War
Started and finished Yellowface
Started Restoration

Cinfhen 🥰 1y
jenniferw88 @Cinfhen ? I can't see the emoji on my phone 😂 1y
Cinfhen Haha it‘s the happy love face 1y
TiredLibrarian I just got Restoration from the library. Hope you like it! 1y
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Restoration | Rose Tremain
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My #bookedintime choice is also my #titlesandtunes choice!

The Restoration period is known for its sexual scandals, and the MC in the book is an aspiring physician, so that's the sex and drugs sorted 🤣

Bohemian Rhapsody mentions Beelzebub, who is in John Milton's Paradise Lost, which was written in the same era, and that can serve as the rock and roll reference. #sexdrugsandrockandroll

@Cuilin @Cinfhen @BarbaraBB

rockpools Brilliant! 1y
jenniferw88 @rockpools I'm glad you think so - I REALLY struggled coming up with a song! 1y
rockpools @jenniferw88 I need to up my game!! 1y
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Cuilin Impressive link ups, love it! 1y
Cinfhen Yesssss!!! Love your pairing!!! This playlist is going to be AMAZING 🤩 1y
BarbaraBB Bohemian Rhapsody deserves a place on the list indeed!! 1y
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Restoration | Rose Tremain
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I'm not big on challenges, but I think I'll try the #BookedInTime challenge for July. This has been on my TBR for years! After I read it, I can see the film, which apparently stars a very foppish looking Robert Downey Jr. @Cuilin

Cuilin I like this plan. If I don‘t read this book I definitely have to check out a foppish RDJr. 1y
Deblovestoread I‘ll be interested in your review. Rose Tremain is an author I‘ve been meaning to read and I definitely want to checked out the movie. 1y
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Restoration | Rose Tremain
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17th Century, London - Told in 3 parts, this is the story of Robert Merivel who is interested in medicine but hasn‘t finished school because of the death of his father, the King‘s official glove maker. In gratitude, King Charles II appoints Robert a role in the palace as the main physician of the palace dogs. He falls out of favor with the king and things go downhill from there. I am a new fan of Rose Tremain and this book did not disappoint.

Crazeedi This sound like one I might like!! 4y
suvata @Crazeedi it was so, so, good. There is a second book in the series and I can‘t wait to read that now. This character is funny, self-deprecating, and lovable. 4y
Crazeedi @suvata I definitely need to add to my tbr!!! Thank you!! 4y
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Restoration | Rose Tremain
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🎥 I rented the 1995 movie based on the book and was more than a bit bemused that Robert Downey, Jr., Meg Ryan and Sam Neill had leading roles and; Ian McKellen, Ian McDiarmid and Hugh Grant had secondary roles in a story set in 17th c. England— but got sorta used to it. Movie missed so much of the book, but managed to touch on a lot nonetheless. Sets and costumes were lavish and wonderful. Worth a rental 🙂

Restoration | Rose Tremain
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🎧 The story of a court doctor during the reign of King Charles II of England, this is a POV1 chronicle of the fortunes and fates of a flawed man through the context of his friendships and his own candid self assessments. There is a bit more about the Plague in London in the final third of the book but nothing graphic.

Wonderfully narrated by the late British actor, Paul Daneman who has a classic “old school”/non-BBC slick accent.

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Restoration | Rose Tremain
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🎧 I started this one *months* ago; but then a bout of anxiety and the pandemic triggered a reading slump. It was easy to jump back into again and I was grateful to get away from the PA stories that seem to be ambushing me; but then THE PLAGUE hits London (18th c.) and I was like, “REALLY!?!” Thankfully it didn‘t end up being a big thing in the book. Heading into the home stretch and eager to see where the protagonist lands

Liatrek Oh wow I loved this movie and didn‘t realize it was a book. Adding to my TBR😊 4y
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